Finding Your Passion or What Makes a Job Right for You?
In this set of 5 articles, we'll examine each personality type and job fit.
The Baby Boomers publicized the phrase, "Finding Your Passion." As a career counselor,
I've known people to be quite concerned because they couldn't find their passion.
Certain types of personalities resonate to this phrase while others don't.
The most passionate types are the Artisan Performer (ESFP) and Composer (ISFP) plus
the Idealist Champion (ENFP) and Healer (INFP). All are highly sensitive to values conflicts
and many are willing to use their passion to fight injustices. Amy, a Healer (INFP),
worked to set up an alternative high school since she found her town's high school
so rigid that too many students were dropping out. She said, "I got so angry because all the
administration was focused on was following rules and regs, not in helping the students
become successful human beings. So I went to work to give students that didn't fit into
their tiny box a real chance to learn and grow."
Rationals, especially the Fieldmarshal (ENTJ) and Mastermind (INTJ), may not respond well
to the word "passionate," unless they are a member of the Baby Boom generation which
frequently used the word. However, words like "interesting," "fascinating," and "intense"
have a higher resonance with them. Says Rich, a Mastermind, "I'm not a Boomer and I don't
like going off half-cocked with emotion, but when I find an area that is fascinating, I
really immerse myself in it. I guess you could call it my passion, but I prefer to see
it as intense interest."
Some people choose to have a career that just pays the bills and keep their highest
interest or passion for their outside activities. Mike, an Artisan Crafter (ISTP), says,
"I like my job as a mechanic well enough, but what really turns me on is when a disaster
hits. I volunteer for the Red Cross and can be sent anywhere. I love the intensity and
the need for fast action and quick decisions. The change of pace between the emergencies
and the regular job is great!"
Sometimes the job market where the person lives is limited and they need to find other
ways to make their life satisfying. Martha, a Guardian Provider (ESFJ), lives in a
small town and works as a waitress. "I always wanted to go to nursing school, but we
were poor and there just wasn't enough money. I'm a pretty good waitress and everyone
in town knows me, but what I'm really known for is quilts and blankets. I formed a
group to make quilts and blankets for children suffering from cancer. I can hardly
wait to get home from the restaurant so I can work on my current project."
People want to have a life that gives them a sense of personal satisfaction. In the
4 articles below, we'll look at what brings personal satisfaction to each of the